Visual Odometry

Visual Odometry

Visual Odometry의 forntend와 backend에 대해 알아봅시다.

☝️ Frontend

Part I

  • Feature Method
  • 2D-2D: Epipolar Geometry
  • 3D-2D: PnP
  • 3D-3D: Interactive Closest Point (ICP)

Part II

  • Direct Method
  • 2D Optical Flow

✌️ Backend

Part I

  • State Estimation from Probabilistic Perspective
  • Linear Systems and the Kalman Filter
  • Nonlinear Systems and the EKF
  • Bundle Adjustment and Graph Optimization

Part II

  • Sliding Window Filter and Optimization
  • Pose Graph Optimization

🗯️ ETC.

Loop Closure

  • Loop Closure and Detection
  • Bag of Words
  • Structure of Dictionary
  • Calculate the Similarity
  • Discussion

Written by@Miller Shin (SeungRyeol Shin)
Robotics Engineer | ROS | AMR(Autonomous Mobile Robot) | Agricultural Robot | SLAM & Navigation | Robotics Application
